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Enable fibre broadband and why it can carry you through the Christmas period

Over the holiday season we often open our homes to family and friends, we also try to take a break and relax. For these reasons we naturally spend more time online and truly realise the need for a great internet connection.

Over the Christmas break you’ll likely increase or change your internet usage habits. Which means you will do more of the activities you do online, as well as start using your fibre connection in new ways, upon different online services. Whether it’s online shopping, paying bills, scrolling social media, implementing new technology or exploring all the music and entertainment streaming services. By doing these things more and spending extra time online over Christmas, you’ll start noticing the true capacity of your Enable fibre broadband connection.

If you’re usually a household of two using your internet to complete everyday tasks such as paying bills, googling the news and weather or simply browsing online, you likely don’t ever stretch the capacity of your fibre broadband.

However, if you’re a family of five with three teenagers on school holidays binge watching Netflix on their laptops or Facetiming their friends who may be out of town this Christmas, then you’ll be very dependent on your fibre broadband service.

Whether you have two people connected to your fibre connection or the entire extended family as they visit over Christmas – you will still be able to do everything you want online and more.

That’s why having access to Enable fibre broadband at this time of year is valuable. No matter who’s coming to stay or play over the holiday period - Enable fibre broadband will carry you though the silly season, with less buffering, faster speeds and far more reliability!



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When considering broadband options they usually include an indication of the speed you can expect from the service.  The higher the speed - represented in megabits per second (or Mbps) - the more you and your family can do online. 

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Our team here at Enable are excited to announce that we’re moving our offices into Christchurch’s Central City  as part of our goal to make a greater contribution to our community.

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