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Four things you can do to up your cyber security game

Protect your online security by taking 20 minutes to attack the following four tasks to seriously up your cyber security game.

Is your life ‘online’? If someone were able to hack your email account – would your other online accounts be compromised too? Here are four steps you can take to seriously up your cyber security game.


#1 Update your password

It can take a hacker only seconds to crack a weak password. Protect your personal information with unique passwords that are long and strong. A passphrase of four or more words is just as strong as a 10-character password that uses numbers, letters and symbols.

E.g. I_H8_l00onG_P@5sW0rDz is hard to remember and may never catch on. Instead, try a phrase like Roundaboutsaremanualtrafficlights!


#2 Turn on two-factor authentication (2FA)

Even if a hacker can guess your password, with 2FA they still can’t get to your accounts. You can use 2FA for most email, social media, banking and shopping accounts, as well as to access your devices.

Turn on 2FA for all your important accounts and once it’s set up it’s as easy as entering an extra code when you log into a new device.


#3 Update your operating system

Updates aren’t just about adding new features. They’re also about fixing vulnerabilities in an operating system or app that attackers could use to gain access to your system.

When an update for an app or your Operating System pops up on any of your devices, install it right away – better yet, allow your system to install updates automatically.


#4 Protect your privacy – social media makes it easy for hackers

What you share on social media could be used by hackers to steal your identity or get into your online accounts. Be careful about who sees what.

  • Check your privacy controls so only your friends can see
  • Don’t share too much – if one of your secret questions is ‘what is your Mother’s maiden name’ or what primary school did you go to? Don’t make it too easy for hackers to work out the answer and gain access to your information.
  • Know who your friends are – if you don’t know that person in real life, don’t accept them!

Enable are proud to be Official Partners of Cyber Smart Week, New Zealand’s cyber security awareness week. For more on Cyber Smart Week and further information, check their website on how you can get involved with Cyber Smart Week.


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