Lodge an objection

Objection form

Lodging an objection to fibre broadband plans at your property


If you have any concerns with our planned work in a shared accessway or private right of way, and our work has been classed as a category 2 build, you can lodge an objection on limited grounds as detailed further below.


Enable’s process for addressing your objection is as follows:


We’ll put the work on hold (and advise the customer waiting on fibre broadband that we’ve received an objection) while we complete our assessment.


We'll contact you to discuss your concerns with the aim of working through these with you.


If we’re unable to resolve your objection or we dispute its validity, we may decide to refer a dispute to Utilities Disputes Limited for resolution. We’ll inform you (and any customers waiting on fibre broadband) of our decision.

Lodge your objection using our webform 


The third-party dispute resolution scheme is run by Utilities Disputes Limited.

The valid grounds for dispute are:

  • You disagree about the category of the planned build work.
  • You disagree with our decision about a category 2 objection.
  • You believe you have a valid reason to object to the planned work, but it has been classed as a category 1 build.
  • The work has been completed but you don’t believe we’ve properly complied with the build requirements.

 For more information, visit utilitiesdisputes.co.nz.

 You can also call them on 0800 22 33 40 or email them at [email protected]