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Getting your rented flat connected to fibre broadband

You’ve signed the lease and have got the keys. Want fibre broadband? Easy.

Step one: order fibre from your internet service provider.

Choose your preferred internet provider and demand Enable fibre broadband – and not a lookalike product – ensure you’re getting a pure fibre broadband connection all the way to your house.

Unsure which plan to order? Read this article to help you  choose.

Your new flat may already have fibre installed – to check, you can either look for an External Termination Point (ETP) or call us on 0800 434 273 and we can look this up for you.


Step two: wait for Enable to email and text you to organise a ‘Plan’ appointment

Once we receive your details from your internet provider, we’ll email and text you to let you know we’ve received your order, and to arrange a time to see what work is required to connect your flat to the fibre broadband network. After we’ve met, and a plan is created, we need your landlord’s consent to carry out the work.


Step three: You can decide if you’d like to approach your landlord for consent, or if you would like Enable to do that for you.

Some people prefer to approach their landlord/property manager for consent for fibre broadband, while others would like Enable to do that for them. To get consent, we simply require a completed Rental Property Consent Form, signed by your landlord or your property manager.


Step four: When we have consent, we need to book in your 'Connect' appointment

Once we have received landlord consent, we will contact you to book the final step, the ‘Connect’ appointment. Before the Connect appointment takes place, our crew will complete the build – but don’t worry, you don’t need to be home for this. To complete your connect appointment, we just need your modem, which is often supplied by your retailer. Please ensure you have this on hand.


Step five: stream with ease

Now you’re connected to Enable fibre broadband, check out these four tips to make sure you’re making the most of your connection.


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So we cut it down into GIFs to see what we can expect in the near future for digital.

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Overwhelmed with options when choosing your fibre broadband plan? We've taken away the jargon to help make it simpler to choose the right plan for your normal usage.

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