As required by the Telecommunications Act 2001, Enable has entered into a Deed of Open Access Undertakings for Fibre Services in favour of the Crown. The purpose of the Deed is to promote market competition in telecommunications.
Under Enable's contract with the Crown to deliver ultra-fast broadband (UFB) to Christchurch and the surrounding centres, we are required to publish and present a detailed reference offer to all retail service providers (RSPs) interested in selling our services.
This reference offer sets out exactly what our wholesale services will look like, the wholesale price of our services and how we will work with RSPs to deliver these services to their customers. The reference offer is made up of a series of technical documents that form the building blocks for the services RSPs will use to design their own products and solutions.
RSPs interested in selling Enable’s services need to carefully consider all these documents and should contact us if they have any questions.